Begin by opening up Windows Live Mail Click on the 'Windows Mail' button and select 'Safety options The 'Safety Options' window will now appear. When you are finished adding email addresses or domains to your blocked senders list click 'OK' to close the 'Safety Options'. If you do not see the 'Tools' menu, click 'Show menu bar' from the 'Menu' button. Select 'Safety options…' from the 'Tools' menu. Outlook (Mac): Block Senders - GROK Knowledge Base
To add multiple addresses or domains use a comma to separate them. Any other feedback? Select 'Junk email Protection In the box labeled 'Blocked Senders' type in the email address or domain you would like to block. You can also move a message to your Junk E-mail folder or block a sender from your Inbox: Choose the level of junk e-mail protection that you want.Įxpand your Office skills. Block all messages from a specific email address or domain. Click the Safe Senders tab, and then type the domain name. Do either of the following: To Do this Allow all messages from a specific domain.